Florida Law Establishes Rights for Crime Victims

Written by:Julian Stroleny PortraitJulian Stroleny

Like many other states, Florida has established legal rights for the victims of crimes. These rights are an important part of the criminal justice process for victims, who otherwise have no legal standing to participate or be heard in the court proceedings against the defendants who harm them. It is important that these rights be defended by an attorney who is skilled in the criminal justice system.

While it may seem counterintuitive, criminal defense attorneys are in a good position to defend crime victims’ rights during a criminal prosecution. Remember that prosecutors represent the state, and thus cannot also represent the victim. Victims have the right to hire a criminal defense attorney to protect their legal rights as a crime victim. An experienced criminal defense attorney will know exactly what defenses are likely to be raised, and how to protect the victim’s rights in the face of such strategies. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a crime, call (305) 615-1285 today to schedule a consultation with an experienced Miami victim’s rights attorney at Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney. 

The Florida Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights

The Florida Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights is an amendment to Florida’s state constitution. Victims “are entitled to the right to be informed, to be present, and to be heard when relevant, at all crucial stages of criminal proceedings, to the extent that these rights do not interfere with the constitutional rights of the accused.” This general protection is actually far less encompassing than victims’ rights enacted by other states. Arizona, for example, grants specific rights to be notified when the defendant is released from custody or has escaped, be present at any proceeding involving a release decision, disposition or plea offer, refuse a deposition or discovery request from the defendant’s attorney, and many other specific rights.

In order to expand victims’ rights, Florida voters approved Amendment 6 in the November 2018 election. The Pensacola News Journal reports that the Amendment includes a series of specific rights for crime victims in this state. The state Senate Criminal Justice Committee is scheduled to meet in January 2019 as a step toward enacting the amendment. Once enacted, Florida crime victims will have specified rights to be notified of major developments in the prosecution, and to be heard in legal proceedings. The Amendment is known as “Marsy’s Law” in honor of Marsy Nicholas – a California woman who was stalked and killed by an ex-boyfriend.

Experienced Defense of Victims’ Rights

Florida crime victims have specific rights to participate in the prosecution of those who have hurt them. This is an important step in both the legal process and the victim’s own recovery. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a Florida crime, call (305) 615-1285 to schedule a consultation with an experienced Miami victim’s rights attorney at Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney. We work with victims and their families to ensure that their voices are heard throughout the defendant’s prosecution.

Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney handles a variety of criminal law cases, so call now if you have any questions.

View more contact information here: Miami Victim’s Rights Attorney.

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