Category: Miami Criminal Defense News & Articles Page 54

Florida Self-Defense: Stand Your Ground or Retreat?

With “Stand Your Ground” laws in Florida, you are no longer obligated to run when you are in danger.  “Stand Your Ground” is a law centered on self-defense.  Other names ...

Keep those pot plants potted: No more ripping weed

Source: CNBC Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney fully supports a change in the seizure procedure currently employed by police officers in cases involving marijuana. An individual’s seized property must be ...

Actual and Constructive Drug Possession

Once you’ve been arrested or charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance, Drug or an Illegal Substance, possession has to be established to successfully convict you of the crime. There ...

Gov. Rick Scott signs Warning Shot Bill

Florida Governor Rick Scott strikes again! Governor Scott has signed a new law granting Floridians who fire a warning shot or threaten to use a gun the ability to avoid ...

Gun Possession: Actual and Constructive

Once you’ve been arrested or charged with Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon, possession has to be established to successfully convict you. There are two types of gun ...