Criminal Indictment: What You Need to Know
A criminal indictment is a formal document filed with a court to charge an individual with committing a crime. An indictment is issued once a prosecutor presents evidence to a grand jury and the grand jury, a group made up of 16 to 23 citizens, then determines if there is probable cause to indict the accused individual. The probable cause standard is relatively low and can be met by agreement of the slightest majority of the grand jury.
An indictment serves as a formal accusation and is basically designated as a starting point to the legal process. Criminal indictments typically initiate the beginning of a criminal prosecution. The formal charges must be filed typically within 30 and 40 days from the date on which the defendant is arrested, if not the defendant must be released. Laws regarding the indictment process vary between states. Contact a criminal defense attorney in your state to learn about the laws impacting you.
Indictments usually contain a plain, concise, and definite written statement declaring where, when and how the accused allegedly committed the offense. An indictment typically foreshadows the elements that will need to be proven at trial.
If you have been indicted for a criminal offense, contact a criminal defense attorney to learn about your legal options. A criminal defense attorney can help prepare you for trial and can determine the best strategy to employ in order to achieve the best results.
Contact Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney for your Miami and Broward county criminal defense needs. Former state prosecutor and experienced criminal defense attorney Julian Stroleny can help you during the entire legal process and can ensure that your rights are protected. Call us today at 305-615-1285 to schedule a free consultation and see how Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney can assist you with your case. For more information on how our law firm can help you, visit us online at