Fighting Charges Filed After a Violent Arrest

Written by:Julian Stroleny PortraitJulian Stroleny

Police aggression has been a pressing topic of heated debate throughout the country. The violent interactions between law enforcement officers and the people of the communities they serve are both controversial and legally complicated. A violent arrest can raise issues of both civil liberties and constitutional protections in the criminal charging process. This is why it is vital for defendants to be represented by an experienced Miami criminal defense attorney after any violent interaction with a law enforcement officer. At Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney, our experienced attorney can protect you from wrongful convictions and seek legal remedies for violations of your civil liberties. Call (305) 615-1285 for a free phone consultation as soon as possible.

Too Many Violent Arrests in Miami

Sadly, violent arrests by Florida law enforcement officers have become disturbingly frequent. Floridians were outraged by recent video footage showing two officers punching a young black man, just fifteen years old, before slamming his head into the concrete. According to NBC News, prosecutors quickly made the decision not to charge the teen with any crimes related to his conduct before this violent arrest. He was initially arrested on charges of trespassing, assaulting an officer, and resisting arrest. The prosecutors’ quick action shows the importance of prosecutorial oversight of police behavior. The Broward County State’s Attorney reports that an investigation into the deputies’ conduct is ongoing.

ABC News reported on another video showing a violent deputy punch a man who was handcuffed to a hospital bed. This, too, was an incident out of Broward County. Sheriff’s Deputy Jorge Sabino arrested a suspect who had to be taken to a medical center to treat injuries sustained in the arrest.  Surveillance video footage shows that Sabino then approached the suspect’s bed – to which he was handcuffed – and punched him before “aggressively twisting his arm.” The Broward County Mayor has called for the deputy to be fired and recommended that the State’s Attorney open a criminal investigation into the incident. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office reports that it has opened a preliminary Internal Affairs investigation. The video surfaced just days after the story of the assaulted teen surfaced.

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office is investigating both incidents, but the pattern of conduct suggests that an outside investigator must be appointed in order to find the truth of these matters. In the meantime, it is vital that the public continue to hold the Sheriff’s Office accountable for professional conduct and make sure that any inappropriate encounters with police are made public.

Protect Your Legal Rights After a Violent Arrest

A violent interaction with any law enforcement officer can be devastating. Not only does it ruin the suspect’s trust in the very persons charged with community safety, but it can also lead to inappropriate criminal charges – or worse, a conviction.  It is critically important to have an experienced Miami criminal defense attorney protecting your legal rights during a law enforcement investigation, charging, pretrial hearings, and – if necessary – at trial and on appeal. At Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney, our experienced criminal defense attorney can protect you from wrongful convictions. Call (305) 615-1285 for a free consultation or contact us online as soon as possible.

Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney handles a variety of criminal law cases, so call now if you have any questions.

View more contact information here: Miami Criminal Defense Attorney.

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