Do I Lose My CDL if I Get a DUI? Miami DUI Attorney Answers

Written by:Julian Stroleny PortraitJulian Stroleny

Miami DUI Attorney

As a commercial truck driver in the state of Florida there are many laws regulating your driving. Some of these laws are more strict than laws for those who have a regular license and not a CDL. We understand that for our truck driving clients, the status of their commercial driver’s license or CDL is highly important, when considering any consequences of a criminal case.

In the state of Florida, if you’re a truck driver and you are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may face losing your commercial driver’s license. Discussing your situation with a Miami criminal lawyer is recommended as your lawyer may be able to help you maintain your license in certain situations.

Reasons your CDL May be Suspended

There are many reasons that a person may have their commercial driver’s license suspended. Being charged with a DUI is just one of them. Some of the other reasons that a CDL may be suspended include hauling illegal materials and having too many traffic violations. A CDL may be suspended for seemingly minor infractions because truck drivers need to drive as safely as possible while transporting goods throughout the state and the country.

Consequences of a DUI

If you have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your license may be suspended for up to a year. In addition, you will not be able to attain a hardship license. This means that you will not be able to drive for any reason including to work or to school or for important errands. Essentially, a DUI charge can mean that your driving privileges are totally suspended for at least a year.

As a truck driver the type of materials that you were transporting at the time of your charge can also play a role in how long your CDL suspension will last. A truck driver that was transporting hazardous materials at the time they were charged with a DUI can face a CDL suspension of at least three years.

These are both examples of the minimum amount of time for a CDL suspension for a first offense. Those who have been convicted of a DUI previously will have their CDL banned for life. This means that if you are driving under the influence and convicted a second time, you will not be able to get a CDL again in the state of Florida. A second conviction for a DUI results in this permanent ban, no matter what type of materials were being hauled at the time.

Under federal law, reinstatement of a CDL is allowed after a minimum of 10 years. However, the state of Florida enacted harsher laws and does not allow anyone with more than one conviction for a DUI to hold a CDL in the state.

If your CDL is suspended, chances are that you are going to have to find employment in another industry. This can be difficult as many commercial truck drivers have spent their lives in this industry. Having your CDL suspended may require you to learn a new skill or to enter a different job that has a lower pay rate because you do not have any experience in that particular area. For others, it will be an opportunity to try something new.

Contact a Miami DUI Attorney for Help

Our Miami criminal lawyer has experience dealing with all areas of the law, including DUI charges against commercial drivers. If you have been pulled over while driving your truck and charged with a DUI, it is important to contact a criminal lawyer in Miami right away. As a truck driver, chances are that you are not prepared to have your license revoked. A CDL suspension can be detrimental for many people who rely heavily on their current income from this position with a company.

A Miami criminal attorney will have strategies they may be able to use in order to lessen the consequences of your arrest. Our lawyer understands how difficult it can be if you lose your CDL, especially when this is your sole source of income. He will do all that he can in order to help you maintain your license or lesson the amount of time it is suspended.

Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney handles a variety of criminal law cases, so call now if you have any questions.

View more contact information here: Miami DUI Attorney.

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