What to do if You Have an Arrest Warrant in Miami?

Written by:Julian Stroleny PortraitJulian Stroleny

If there is an arrest warrant in your name in Miami-Dade County, a police officer can detain and arrest you at any time. Arrest warrants are issued for several reasons and need to be taken seriously. Arrest warrants can be issued for violating probation, committing a felony, failure to appear, and many other reasons. 

Even a minor charge can result in an arrest warrant being issued in your name. A common mistake many people make is to wait until the very last moment to find out when they are supposed to make an appearance in court. No one from the court will call you to remind you that have to appear the next day. Hiring a criminal defense lawyer to represent you in your case can, in some situations, prevent the case from escalating to the point where a warrant is issued for your arrest. 

Like an arrest warrant, a bench warrant can be issued for your arrest if you violate the rules of the court. This can include not showing up to a first appearance hearing for a written arrest or not complying with terms set by the judge in your case. Many times, individuals who are given a criminal traffic citation do not pay attention to when they are supposed to appear in court, and a bench warrant is subsequently issued for their arrest.

Arrest and bench warrants in Florida do not expire. They will remain active until rescinded by order of a judge. If you received a traffic citation and are unsure if the citation was civil or criminal, it is important to check its status on the Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts website to avoid having a warrant for your arrest. If you have an active arrest warrant in your name, your first course of action should be to contact a criminal defense attorney who can guide you through the process of clearing the warrant.

At Stroleny Law P.A., we diligently serve our clients’ interests and can help you get your warrant withdrawn. If you are unsure whether you have a warrant in your name, give us a call and we can assist you through the process. For a free consultation, call us at (305)615-1285 so that we can assist you in your time of need. With your freedom at risk, it is important to get ahead of the situation and work with a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

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