Robert Durst and his Frustrated Criminal Defense Attorney

Written by:Julian Stroleny PortraitJulian Stroleny

Robert Alan Durst, born April 12, 1943, is a son of New York City real estate mogul Seymour Durst, and brother of commercial developer Douglas Durst. He came to media attention in the 1980s when his wife disappeared, and again in the early 2000s when he was the subject of a multi-state manhunt and acquittal of murder.

On March 14, 2015, Durst was rearrested in New Orleans on a first-degree murder warrant issued by the Los Angeles Police Department. By now you’ve heard about Durst’s recorded bathroom confession during a break while filming an HBO interview.  While there is other evidence and Durst’s recorded words will not likely be the nail in the coffin in a criminal trial, the world is still wondering “why would he even agree to an interview about his life and the murders?” Maybe he believed he would outsmart the world, maybe he wanted to be caught.

I would be amazed to find his criminal lawyer thought it was a good idea to participate with the interview. In all likelihood, his attorney adamantly objected to Durst’s participation in the interview and with good reason to do so. Durst’s criminal lawyer, Dick DeGuerin, faces not only a difficult trial ahead but a client whose refusal to abide to legal advice makes an attorney’s job even harder.

As criminal lawyer in Miami clients often do not fully comply with legal advice, instead leaving their actions to be driven by peer pressure, pitfalls of ego, or simply a disregard of good advice. If you are wondering whether to participate in a potentially self-incriminating situation, first contact a criminal lawyer and ask their advice.

If you have been accused of a crime, contact experienced Miami criminal attorney Julian Stroleny Esq. of Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney Our criminal defense firm is dedicated to fighting charges throughout Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and South Florida. Visit our page at or call Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney today for your free consultation at (305) 615-1285.

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