Who Is The Best Criminal Defense Lawyer For Me?

Written by:Julian Stroleny PortraitJulian Stroleny
Judge Gavel, Law Book And Scale Of Justice In The Courtroom On Wooden Table

There are a lot of choices to make after being charged with a crime as you begin to build your legal team. You may find yourself looking for legal counsel but do not know where to start. One of your biggest questions is, “Who is the best criminal defense lawyer for me?” Continue reading to learn more about how to make the best decision regarding hiring a Miami Beach criminal defense lawyer.

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How Do I Pick The Best Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Female defense attorney writing accused prisoners statements for court.

Selecting the right criminal defense attorney can make all the difference if you are facing criminal charges. Here is what to consider when making your decision:

Check Their Track Record

Always check the attorney’s track record before you make a hiring decision. Look for an attorney with a successful case outcome, including dismissals, reduced charges, or trial wins. You can understand their track record by researching client testimonials, case results, and online reviews.

Get An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer 

To get the best results, choose an attorney experienced in criminal law, not just general legal practice. You should ensure that the attorney you choose has experience handling similar cases. Generally, a charge of homicide carries much more at stake than a charge for driving without a license. Ask the attorneys that you interview if they have represented clients who have faced similar charges as you.

Does This Attorney Have Local Knowledge? 

Having an attorney with knowledge about the local court system, the potential judges on your case, and the prosecutors bringing the charges can benefit you. A lawyer who knows the local courts and regularly works with judges and prosecutors can anticipate challenges and strategize effectively.

Assess Their Communication and Availability 

Having an attorney who offers clear communication throughout your case is important. Your attorney should be responsive to your questions and transparent about your case. Avoid them if a lawyer is hard to reach or does not explain things clearly. Effective communication ensures you stay informed and confident in the progress of your case.


If you lose your case and get convicted of a crime, you may appeal your conviction. Under those circumstances, you may feel more comfortable appealing your case with the same attorney and legal team.

During the initial consultation with the lawyer, you can ask about this scenario and if they are willing to assist with appealing a conviction. Some attorneys have experience in appellate cases and feel comfortable assisting you, while others prefer to refer you to someone with more experience. This information can guide you in understanding who the best criminal defense attorney is.

How Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Help My Case?

Law and justice on courtroom for criminal case

Being charged with a crime is scary. The idea of fighting for your freedom can feel overwhelming. Having an attorney helps even the playing field as you face criminal charges.  Here are a few ways that an attorney can improve your chances of success:

Protect Your Legal Rights

A criminal defense attorney’s job is to protect your legal rights after being charged with a crime. As a criminal defendant, you might lose rights such as your right to a fair trial, equal protection under the law, and other rights guaranteed by the Constitution. It is a long-standing history that defendants in the United States can defend themselves against a crime without being railroaded by the system. A criminal defense attorney ensures that your rights are protected.

Build a Strong Defense

You will want to build the strongest case possible after being charged with a criminal offense. Presenting a weak case can mean losing your freedom. A criminal defense attorney can build a strong case for you by using their legal experience to challenge the prosecution’s arguments, protect your rights, and present the best possible defense. Examples of how criminal defense attorneys protect their clients’ rights include investigating the case, challenging the prosecution’s evidence, developing a defense strategy, and being your advocate through plea negotiations or at trial.

Negotiate for Reduced Charge or Dismissal

If appropriate, your attorney will negotiate a plea deal, an agreement for reduced charges, or dismissal. A criminal defense attorney will ensure you understand the risks and benefits before accepting deals. Working closely with your lawyer will ensure you get the best results after being charged with a crime.

Representing You in Court

If negotiations fail, your case will continue to a trial for resolution. Facing a courtroom can be intimidating. An experienced courtroom advocate will fight for your freedom and protect your rights. Your lawyer will deliver a compelling opening and closing statement to the jury on your behalf. They will object to unfair questioning or evidence and work to persuade the judge and jury with a well-prepared argument.

Minimizing Penalties

The offense you face may carry a punishment that includes various elements. Some criminal defendants might face significant jail time, probation or parole, and monetary fines. An attorney will advocate for reduced penalties if the court cannot dismiss your case. Minimizing penalties will allow you to rebuild your life after serving time for a criminal conviction.

Guide You Through the Legal Process 

Navigating the justice system is a scary process. You will undoubtedly have many questions about what to do and if you are making the best decision for your future. An experienced attorney knows how to answer your questions and gives you a general idea of the consequences of your choices throughout the process.

Having the support of a legal team means that you do not have to face this process alone. You can lean on the experience and knowledge of your lawyer to get the best available results from your case.

Contact a Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

If authorities charge you with a crime in the United States, you have the right to an attorney. Criminal defendants deserve an advocate that will help protect their freedom. There is no need to face the challenging and often unfair legal system alone. Do not delay. Contact a criminal defense attorney now.

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