Can Domestic Violence Charges be Dropped in Miami?

Written by:Julian Stroleny PortraitJulian Stroleny

This is one of the most common questions we hear from prospective clients at Stroleny Law.  And the answer is absolutely….. under the right circumstances. Getting a charge dropped doesn’t require perfect circumstances, and there are many different ways to get a domestic violence case dropped. There are also some instances where a case can’t be dropped, but in the majority of cases, there is a way to get domestic violence charges dropped. If you have been arrested for domestic violence in Miami, contact our criminal defense lawyer for a free consultation now.

Factors to Consider in Getting a Domestic Violence Charge Dropped

When we evaluate a case in a consultation, there are some initial questions we have for the prospective client. How many people were present to witness the alleged battery? Does the victim want to cooperate with the State Attorney’s office? Were there injuries? Was the incident caught on camera? Are the victim’s allegations so outrageous that they’re unbelievable? Most cases are determined based on the various answers to these important questions. The key is knowing how to use the answers to these questions at the right place and the right time to get the best outcome. 

Importance of Getting Domestic Violence Charges Dropped

Everyone wants their criminal case dismissed. When it comes to domestic violence charges, there is an additional incentive to get the case dropped. Unless a domestic violence case is dropped, it cannot later be sealed or expunged from a defendant’s criminal record. This means the record will be public permanently! Reasonably, people who have been arrested for domestic violence look forward to the day the arrest can be removed from their criminal history. And the only way to ensure you qualify to have the arrest taken off a criminal history is to have the case outcome be a dismissal.  

Arrested for Domestic Violence?

If you’ve been arrested for domestic violence, there is probably a side of the story that you want to be told. Too often, only one side is presented in the arrest paperwork and we know how to get your version of the events to the prosecutor and judge. If you or a loved one are accused of domestic violence, call our office now to speak with a Miami domestic violence defense attorney immediately. At Stroleny Law, we have extensive experience in getting domestic violence charges dropped in Miami. Domestic violence charges are no laughing matter and can have serious consequences if not handled properly. Things haven’t beee going your way so far, lets change that.

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