First Time Arrest for Disorderly Conduct

Written by:Julian Stroleny PortraitJulian Stroleny

Have you been arrested and charged with disorderly conduct in the state of Florida? If so, you are going to need the legal guidance of a Miami criminal defense attorney.

Under the Florida Statute 877.03, disorderly conduct occurs when a person:

  • Commits any act that corrupts the morals of the public, outrages the sense of public decency or impacts the peace and quiet of anyone else who witnesses the act
  • Is involved in fighting or any other physical altercation, or commits any other act that is considered to be a breach of peace

Consequences for a Disorderly Conduct Charge

In the state of Florida, the crime of Disorderly Conduct is considered a second degree misdemeanor. If you are convicted of this crime, you could be sentenced to up to 60 days in jail, up to 6 months of probation and up to $500 in fines. A judge has the right to impose any combination of these penalties on you, as he sees fit.

How a Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

Because the consequences of a Disorderly Conduct charge can be costly and cause serious repercussions, seeking legal counsel from an experienced criminal defense attorney in Miami is definitely within your best interest.

An attorney understands the law and how it applies to a Disorderly Conduct charge and will defend you to the furthest extent possible. There are a number of possible defenses that your attorney can use to assist you with your case and potentially have your punishment reduced, or your charges completely dropped.

Possible defenses for a Disorderly Conduct charge include:

  • Your First Amendment Right – Under the First Amendment, all US citizens are entitled to the right of free speech. Depending on what you were found to be saying at the time of arrest, your attorney may be able to defend your case under the First Amendment.
  • Someone uttered words that caused you to react in defense of yourself; in other words, someone else used fighting words or said something that made you think you were going to be in danger, so you reacted.
  • You were in the presence of others who were acting in a disorderly way, but you, yourself, were not being disorderly.

No matter what the situation was that lead to a Disorderly Conduct charge, contacting a Miami criminal defense attorney as soon as possible is definitely within your best interest. If you have been arrested and would like to speak with a criminal defense attorney, contact the law offices of Stroleny Law: Criminal Defense Attorney. now at (305)615-1285.

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